Private company "Tehnička Zaštita" Ltd Doboj was established in 1997 with headquarters in Doboj. The activity of the company is the field of protection of workers at work and the field of protection against fire of people and property, as follows:
- Wholesale and retail trade of HTZ equipment (work clothes, work shoes and other protective equipment),
- Wholesale and retail trade of fire-fighting equipment and service of fire-fighting appliances and hydrant equipment,
- Preparation of normative acts in the field of fire protection.
From the beginning of 2011 within the project of starting our own production, the production of work suits and working uniforms within our company was formed. We offer sewing work suits and uniforms from our production program, as well as work clothes and uniforms sewn on order. Also, within this project, we started our own creation of links on all textile products.
We provide professional services of digital bonding, design bindings, free design, custom logo, quality embroidery on all types of fabrics and clothing, we provide maximum quality in design.
We provide links to shirts, t-shirts, polo shirts, work suits, uniforms, sweatshirts, caps, hats, towels, as well as sparkling pieces of clothing.
We are engaged in the import of protective and fire equipment from renowned companies for the production of protective equipment from the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia and the European Union.
From the rich list of companies for which we provide services of supplying protective equipment and services of firefighting service, we highlight:
- Railways of Republika Srpska
- Indirect Taxation Authority of Banja Luka
- Banja Vrućica Teslić
- Lignite Mine "EFT" Stanari
- Limar limestone Ševarlija-Doboj
- Oil refinery Brod
- Oil refinery Modriča
- Hospital "Holy Apostle Luke" Doboj
- Health Center Doboj
- Toplota Bijeljina
- Heat Zenica
- Buk Promet Bijeljina
- Pipeline Bijeljina
- City heating station Doboj
- Vodovod Doboj
- Communal enterprise "Progres" Doboj
- Građpromet Doboj
- TVJ Doboj
- TVJ Teslic
- TVJ Derventa
- VJ Petrovo
- Municipality of Doboj
- Municipality of Petrovo
- Gas stations and many other legal entities and independent shops